Healing arts

We are living in a time when many new experiences, opportunities, energies, and growth possibilities are available to us, and in our quest to manifest our heart-felt livelihood, it’s not only essential to have a soul connection to our intentions, we also need to take inspired action. In this post, we cover a few powerful healing arts, shining a light on soul alignment, and the energy body.

Soul Retrieval
Shamanic healing goes deep into our souls and is a long-lasting change. The shamanic language is very much about symbols and metaphors, like a dream language. and soul retrieval is a shamanic journey to non-ordinary reality, a powerful treatment where we bring home the pure, and clear energy. It’s an integration process for you as your soul part becomes one with you again. Some feel a change immediately, for others it takes a little longer. You can also get in touch with your soul part by being still and listening inwards. And you may also get spontaneous messages during the day or in your dreams. Work together with a professional practitioner when doing the process.

Yin Yoga
The more traditional Yang yoga practice focus on asanas to stretch and strengthen the muscles, with more focus on rhythm and repetition of dynamic movement and breath, such as Ashtanga, Hatha, and Vinyasa. In yin yoga we target the fascia and connective tissues, which makes it effective for healing imbalances, whether physically, mentally, and emotionally. Yin represents the lunar, feminine and soft energies, while yang represents the solar, masculine, and dynamic energies. It’s an introspective practice where to observe the sensations that arise, and to create space around each asana to allow the prana, the energy to flow throughout the energy channels. This is a wonderful practice in our past-paced world.

The breath plays an essential role in whether we feel calm or anxious, and emotions are strongly related to our breathing patterns. When we are relaxed, belly (diaphragmatic) breathing is a natural effect, and when we are feeling fear, or tight, we mostly use chest breathing, and this can happen when emotions are conscious as unconscious. Just as emotions can trigger certain breathing patterns, which can be learned and habituated, breathing can also recreate or reinforce an emotional atmosphere. It becomes a potential tool for interrupting, inspiring, or controlling emotional response patterns. The yogic Sama Vritti is a wonderful practice to restore calm in the body and mind.

Belly dance 
Belly dance is one of the ancient healing arts associated with movement meditation and restorative therapy to connect with the oneness of life itself. The mystical and age-old dance forms are based on organic movement taking form in sacred geometry such as infinity symbols, circles, and waves-the roots of all creation. It is mystic in the way that no one can answer where, when and how it originated but traces are to be found dating back thousands of years, and the early dance form has been closely related to birth. Bellydance is powerful chakra work, and awakens the flow of energy thought the whole body. Read more about Belly Dance here.


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