Rosehip face balm
For dry skin, or for the winter months with dry air and cold, an organic beeswax oil is an essential remedy for the skin. Organic cold-pressed oils and protective beeswax, acts as a true moisturizing skin cream. To get the best possible skin care from your beeswax oil, you use a combination of different oils and preferably an oil-soluble extract as well. Then your beeswax oil becomes a really effective organic soothing remedy, completely natural without additives or chemicals.
Herbal remedies – Hemp oil deo creme
A traditional, original recipe of a natural deo consists of bicarbonate, corn starch and coconut oil. However, by changing the coconut oil to a more creamy shea butter it feels even more nourishing for the skin. The essence with shea butter infused with cold-pressed ecologic oil makes the deodorant creamy and soft. The active ingredients bicarbonate, corn starch and essential oil acts antibacterial.
Herbal remedies – CBD
Cannabidiol is a natural and organic remedy from our highly conscious plants, packed with anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties. Also known as CBD, it is one of more than 100 chemical compounds called cannabinoids that are found in the cannabis plant, Cannabis sativa. The oil is made by extracting Cannabidiol from the plant and then diluting it with a carrier oil like olive oil, coconut oil or hemp seed oil.
Cleansing with Palo Santo
While ancient remedies and authentic ingredients has been given a new lease on life, the mystical South American tree Palo Santo cannot be left unmentioned as a sacred ritual for releasing energies and purifying your home.
Soothing Shea butter
Some skincare products come to our rescue when in need of self-care and the rich shea butter is one of them. Packed with essential nutrients its' a wonderful ingredient for smoothing and soothing skin and hair. But it also has a deeper meaning for the producers and their community.
Woody and magical Myrrh
The delicate sap of myrrh has been used through ages of times as a luxurious ingredient in perfumes, incense, and rituals around the world and is historically known as one of the symbolic gifts from the wise men, together with Frankincense and gold.
The secret of ancient beauty rituals
If you’re looking to cut down on toxic shampoo ingredients, plastic waste, and at the same time keep your hair feeling soft and hydrated with nourishing ingredients, this ancient soap has got you covered. This is the ancient secret to zero waste.
Green tea – a natural beauty routine
It's no wonder that it has been an essential part of cultures from across the globe and although the origin is still somewhat of a mystery, the story of the famous green tea points back to ancient Asian culture. Today, the tea is an essential part of conscious living and health-boosting resolutions.
Rejuvenate with natural face massage
Ever heard of natural face massage? If you merge Indian head massage, Japanese facelift massage, acupressure, and face reflexology together you have the recipe for a time-old remedy that improves the skin, remove tension and stress from the face, and creates balance in the overall energy system.
Herbal remedies – Chamomile infusion
We're are all looking for some inspiration for the year ahead and clean beauty is on everyone's lips and for good reasons too. With non-toxic products and remedies we can transform our beauty routines to more friendly alternatives that actually works. The wonderful and ancient chamomile flower is one of them.
Organic ginger infusion
Ginger has been used in medicine for thousands of years, due to it’s many health benefits. The herb is a part of the Zingiberaceae family, which also includes turmeric, cardamom and galangal. The ginger is high in gingerol, a substance and active compontent with powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Ginger may also be effective against exercise-induced muscle pain.
Herbal remedies – Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil is an essential oil from the native plant Melaleuca alternifolia. It has been used for almost 100 years as a healing treatment in Australia, and have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities, why the oil is probably best known for its antibacterial activity.
Natural beauty with Olive oil
It's for good reasons we call it the green gold, and not only as the go-to ingredient in the Mediterranean kitchen. Derived from the ancient olive tree, olive oil has been a part of the beauty rituals of Mediterranean regions for thousands of years. It's a multi-purpose product that hydrates, soothes, and softens.
Clean beauty rituals
From soothing shea butter to mood boosting Frankincense and everything in between. Here are the nurturing, natural, and earth-friendly remedies that will spark your self-care routine and get the Zen on for 2021.
Herbal remedies – Matcha tea
The pure green tea powder is a holy grail of teas and contains more antioxidants than our superfoods blueberry and pomegranate, all because of a careful harvest. This is the story of the health-giving matcha tea.
Herbal Remedies | Aloe vera plant
Lately, many age-old miracle ingredients are given a new lease on life, and this natural wonder plant has never led someone astray. Bienvenue à la maison!
Hibiscus infusion
After spending time between sun, wind, and sea, it’s time to battle the post-holiday hair challenges. This deep red and vibrant flower will work wonders to keep your hair in a blooming condition. Hello clean beauty, hello au naturel.
Cleansing your space with Sage
The ritual of smudging sage has its roots in Native American tradition and is today widely used in different cultures and traditions. Here's how to recreate a clear and organized atmosphere at home.
Handcrafted shampoo bars
Hair Soaps are simply put genuinely produced soaps that cleanse hair and skin. These have fantastically caring properties that enhance peaceful skin, balanced scalp, and natural hair.
Calming remedies with Lavender
Lavender is a beloved flowering plant in the Mint family known for its beautiful purple tone, earthy floral scent and various therapeutic properties. Lavender origins from the Latin word Lavare, meaning to wash and this is what we often associate the purple flower with back in the days.